Design Overview of Solar Distiller

3.1 Construction

It is passive solar still to distillate water by using flat plate .It consists of a shallow blackened basin of saline water cover with a slopping transparent roof. Solar radiation that passes through the transparent roof heats the water blackened basin, the evaporating water which gets condensed on the cooler underside of the glass and gets collected in tray as distillate attached to the glass.
The still can be feed with saline water either continuously or intermittently but the supply is generally kept at twice the amount of fresh water produce by he still depending on the initial salinity of the saline water. The ratio of saline water supply and amount of water to be flushed on the salinity of basin water and is found to be propositional to the amount of fresh water produced. The still is erected at an exposed area with along axis of the still facing East-West direction.
The channel is fixed such that the water slipping on the surface of the glass will fall in this channel under the effect of gravity. This completes the construction of the model. The holes for the inlet of water, outlet of brackish water and outlet of pure water is made as per the convenience. We have made the outlet of brackish water at right bottom of the model, outlet of the pure water at the end of the channel and inlet at the right wall above the outlet.
The upper basin is partitioned into three segments to avoid the formation of dry spots on the higher portion of the inner glass cover. Silicone rubber sealant has been used to seal off and prevent the water leakage between the boxes of the distiller. A hole in the basin’s sidewall allows saline or wastewater filling, as well as collecting the condensed water. This is also used for inserting the thermocouple wires required for temperature measurements. When the still is in operation, the hole is closed with an insulating material to avoid heat and vapor losses. 

3.2 Working

Water to be cleaned is poured into the still to partially fill the basin. The glass cover allows the solar radiation to pass into the still, which is mostly absorbed by the blackened base. This interior surface uses a blackened material to improve absorption of the sunrays. The water begins to heat up and the moisture content of the air trapped between the water surface and the glass cover increases. The heated water vapor evaporates from the basin and condenses on the inside of the glass cover. In this process, the salts and microbes that were in the original water are left behind. Condensed water trickles down the inclined glass cover to an interior collection trough and out to a storage bottle. Feed water should be added each day that roughly exceeds the distillate production to provide proper flushing of the basin water and to clean out excess salts left behind during the evaporation process. If the still produced 3 litres of water, 9 litres of make-up water should be added, of which 6 litres leaves the still as excess to flush the basin.

3.3 Problem Definition

The research work carried out so far in the field of solar desalination is related to the single basin type solar still only. The effect of changes in design, climatic and operational parameters on the distillate yield have been studied but limited to the single basin type solar still. If we want high amount of distilled water we can’t get it.

Main Problems of Solar Still
·         Low distillate output per unit area
·         Leakage of vapor through joints
·         High maintenance
·         Productivity decreases with time for a variety of reasons Cost per unit output is very high

3.4 Objective of Project

The main objective of the project is to develop single basin solar still with flat plate external bottom reflector to improve the performance of single basin type solar still by increasing the production rate of distilled water. Find the effect of different reflector on Performance of solar still in winter and summer climatic conditions of Gandhinagar.

3.5 Design of solar Distillation

1 Proposed Model of Solar Distillation System The base of the solar still is made of glass box. This also contains PUF material inside it between the glass and metal box.
        The channel is fixed such that the water slipping on the surface of the glass will fall in this channel under the effect of gravity. A frame of fibre stick is fixed with the box so that glass can rest on it.
        This completes the construction of the model. The holes for the inlet of water, outlet of brackish water and outlet of pure water is made as per the convenience. We have made the outlet of brackish water at right bottom of the model (seeing from front of the model), outlet of the pure water at the end of the channel and inlet at the right wall above the outlet.

3.6 Details of Polyurethane Foam (PUF)

Although the reaction between isocyanate and hydroxyl compounds was originally identified in the 19th Century, the foundations of the polyurethanes industry were laid in the late 1930s with the discovery, by Otto Bayer, of the chemistry of the polyaddition reaction between diisocyanate and diols to form polyurethane. The first commercial applications of polyurethane polymers, for malleable elastomers, coatings and adhesives, were developed between 1945 and 1947, followed by flexible foams in 1953 and rigid foams in 1957. Since that time they have been finding use in an ever-increasing number of applications and polyurethanes are now all around us, playing a vital role in many industries from furniture to footwear, construction to cars. Polyurethanes appear in an astonishing variety of forms, making them the most versatile of any family of plastic materials.
The polyurethanes (PU) foams are widely used as insulating and core materials for furniture, cooling and freezing systems, in house building, shipbuilding etc. The use of rigid foams is resulted from their low heat conduction coefficient, low density, low water absorption, relatively good mechanical strength. The PU foams have been applied also as core materials of sandwich constructions with steel plates, in building the industrial houses, warehouses, sport houses, fruit stores, carrying freezers and cold stores, where they have to fulfill both insulating and mechanical requirements. Comfortable, durable mattresses and automotive and domestic seating are manufactured from flexible foam. Rigid polyurethane foam is one of the most effective practical thermal insulation materials, used in applications ranging from domestic refrigerators to large industrial buildings. Polyurethane adhesives are used to make a wide variety of composite wood products from load-bearing roof beams to decorative cladding panels. Items such as shoe soles, sports equipment, car bumpers and ‘soft front ends’ are produced from different forms of polyurethane.
Many of us are clothed in fabrics containing polyurethane fibers or high peformance breathable polyurethane membranes. Highly demanding medical applications use biocompatible polyurethanes for artificial joints and implant coatings. Polyurethane coatings protect floors and bridges from damage corrosion and adhesives are used in the construction of items as small as an electronic circuit board and as large as an aircraft. Advanced glass and carbon fiber reinforced composites are being evaluated in the automotive and aerospace industries. Examples of typical applications are shown on page commercially, polyurethanes are produced by the exothermic reaction of molecules containing two or more isocyanate groups with polyol molecules containing two or more hydroxyl groups. Relatively few basic isocyanates and a far broader range of polyols of different molecular weights and functionalities are used to produce the whole spectrum of polyurethane materials. Additionally, several other chemical reactions of isocyanates are used to modify or extend the range of isocyanate-based polymeric materials. The chemically efficient polymer reaction may be catalyzed, allowing extremely fast cycle times and making high volume production viable.

·         Cost and processing advantages

Although a unique advantage of polyurethanes lies in the very wide variety of High performance materials that can be produced, they also differ  from most other plastic materials because the processor is able to change and control the nature and the properties of the final product, even during the production process. This is possible because most polyurethane are made using reactive processing machines, which mix together the polyurethane chemicals that then react to make the polymer required. Changes in the detailed chemical nature of the polyols, isocyanates or additives allow the user to produce different end polymers. Minor changes in the mixing conditions and ratios allow for a fine tuning of the polymers produced. The polymer is usually formed into the final article during this polymerization reaction and these accounts for much of the precise needs of a particular application. Another important property of polyurethane reaction mixtures is that they are powerful adhesives.
This enables the simple manufacture of strong composites such as building panels and laminates, complete housings for refrigerators and freezers, fully integrated instrument panels for vehicles and reinforced structures in boats and aircraft. It is, in part, this dual functionality that makes the material so valuable for manufacturing industries since it is possible to eliminate a number of complex and expensive assembly steps when using polyurethanes rather than alternative polymers.
It is this combination of high material performance coupled with processing versatility that has resulted in the spectacular growth and wide applicability of the polyurethane family of materials. The processing benefits enable polyurethanes to compete with lower cost polymers since raw material costs are not the only consideration in the total cost involved in producing an article.

3.6.1 Types of polyurethanes

A consideration of particular properties of certain grades of polyurethanes and the way these are used serves to demonstrate their versatility.

1.      Foamed
By itself the polymerization reaction produces solid polyurethane and it is by forming gas bubbles in the polymerizing mixture, often referred to as ‘blowing’, that foam is made. Foam manufacture can be carried out continuously, to produce continuous laminates or slab stock, or discontinuously, to produce molded items or free-rise blocks. Flexible foams can be produced easily in a variety of shapes by cutting or molding. They are used in most upholstered furniture and mattresses. Flexible foam molding processes are used to make comfortable, durable seating cushions for many types of seats and chairs.
 The economy and cleanliness of flexible polyurethane foams are important in all upholstery and bedding applications. Strong, low-density rigid foams can be made that, when blown using the appropriate environmentally acceptable blowing agents, produce closed cell structures with low thermal conductivities. Their superb thermal insulation properties have led to their widespread use in buildings, refrigerated transport, refrigerators and freezers.

2.      Solid
Although foamed materials account for a substantial proportion of the global polyurethanes market there is a wide range of solid polyurethanes used in many, diverse applications. Cast polyurethane elastomers are simply made by mixing and pouring a degassed reactive liquid mixture into a mould. These materials have good resistance to attack by oil, petrol and many common non-polar solvents combined with excellent abrasion resistance. They are used amongst other things in the production of printing rollers and tires, both low speed solid relatively small units and to fill very large, pneumatic off-road tires.
Polyurethane elastomeric fibers are produced by spinning from a solvent, usually dimethylformamide (DMF), or by extrusion from an elastomeric melt. The solvent process is the dominant one and has two forms, one in which the completed elastomeric is dissolved and then a fiber spun as the solvent is removed and the other in which the isocyanate and polyol are mixed into a DMF solution and the fibre spun as the reaction occurs. The major applications are in clothing where these fibers have effectively replaced natural rubber.

3.6.2 Applications of polyurethanes

A detailed breakdown of the markets for polyurethanes is given in Chapter 2, but the versatility of this material can be demonstrated by looking at the applications in five major areas.

The use of polyurethanes in this area is now well established to the benefit of both the manufacturer and the end consumer. Applications include seating, interior padding, such as steering wheels and dashboards, complete soft frontends, components for instrument assemblies and accessories such as mirror surrounds and spoilers. Door panels, parcel shelves, sun roofs, truck beds, headliners, components mounted in the engine space and even structural chassis components are now made from polyurethanes.

The market for cushioning materials is mainly supplied by polyurethane flexible foam, which competes with rubber latex foam, cotton, horse hair, polyester fibre, metal springs, wood, expanded polystyrene, propylene and PVC. Polyurethanes are also ideal where strong, tough, but decorative integral-skinned flexible or rigid foam structures are needed.

When sandwiched between metal, paper, plastics or wood, polyurethane rigid foam plays an important role in the construction industry. Such composites can replace conventional structures of brick, concrete, wood or metal, particularly when these later materials are used in combination with other insulating materials such as polystyrene foam, glass fibre or mineral wool. Technically advanced wood composites can be produced for use in load bearing applications and wood construction boards for flooring and roofing.

Thermal insulation
Rigid polyurethane foam offers unrivalled technical advantages in the thermal insulation of buildings, refrigerators and other domestic appliances and refrigerated transport Competitive materials include cork, glass fibre, mineral wool, foamed expanded and extruded polystyrene and phenol formaldehyde.

Soles, some synthetic uppers and high performance components for many types of footwear are produced from polyurethanes. These compete with traditional leather and rubber, PVC, thermoplastic rubber and EVA. Polyurethane adhesives are widely used in shoe manufacture and coatings are used to improve the appearance and wear resistance of shoe uppers made from both real and synthetic leather.

3.7 Details of Different Parts of the System

3.7.1 Still Basin

It is the part of the system in which the water to be distilled is kept. It is therefore essential that it must absorb solar energy. Hence it is necessary that the material have high absorbtivity or very less reflectivity and very less transmitivity. These are the criteria’s for selecting the basin materials. Kinds of the basin materials that can be used are as follows: 1. Leather sheet, 2. Ge silicon, 3. Mild steel plate, 4. RPF (reinforced platic) 5.G.I.(galvanized iron).International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 70 We have used blackened galvanized iron sheet(K= thermal conductivity= 300W/mºC) (3mm thick).

3.7.2 Side Walls

          It generally provides rigidness to the still. But technically it provides thermal resistance to the heat transfer that takes place from the system to the surrounding. So it must be made from the material that is having low value of thermal conductivity and should be rigid enough to sustain its own weight and the weight of the top cover (refer Different kinds of materials that can be used are: 1) wood , 2) concrete, 3) PUF, 4) RPF (reinforced plastic).

3.7.3 Design of Stand

3.7.4 Design of Glass

3.7.5 Top Cover

3.7.6 Channel

3.8 Distilled Water Quality

Two different water samples from solar stills A and D were tested in the District Public Health Laboratory, Buldana, Government of Maharashtra, India. The distilled water was tested with highly accurate digital instruments having an accuracy of ±l mg/l. The laboratory test results as shown in Table 4 indicate that the quality of water after distillation is well within the desirable limits as prescribed by WHO for Indian specific conditions.
Table 1 Report on chemical examination of water for drinking purposes

Sr. no
Sample no 1
Sample no 2
Desirable limit

Electrical conductivity, μS/cm
Chloride as Cl , mg/l

Total hardness as Ca- CO3, mg/l
Total dissolved sol- ids, ppm
Turbidity as NTU

Iron as Fe, mg/l

Alkalinity as CaCO3, mg/l
Physical appearance

3.9 Economic Analysis

The cost of distilled water produced by the single basin type solar still with flat plate bottom reflector depends upon the following factors.

·         The capital cost gets reduced if locally available materials are used.
·         As the solar energy is available free of cost, it has no effect on the total cost of the solar still.
·         Reflectivity of the selected reflector
·         The operation and maintenance cost is almost negligible.

            The production rate of distilled water is proportion- al to the area of the solar still; which means that the cost per liter of water produced is nearly the same regardless of the size of the fabricated still. The payback period of the experimental setup depends on overall cost of fabrication, maintenance cost, operating cost and cost of feed water. The overall fabrication cost is Rs. 8700. It is not necessary to take into account the operation and maintenance cost and the cost of feed water, which is almost negligible.